Monday 21 March 2016

PDF⋙ Bungalow Bathrooms (Bungalow Basics) by Jane Powell

Bungalow Bathrooms (Bungalow Basics) by Jane Powell

Bungalow Bathrooms (Bungalow Basics)

Bungalow Bathrooms (Bungalow Basics) by Jane Powell PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The hands-on sourcebook for creating or restoring a stylish bathroom in the Arts & Crafts spirit. In this sequel to the best-selling Bungalow Kitchens, Jane Powell and Linda Svendsen turn to the second most complex room in the house. As reflected in these pages, the bathroom can-and should-be a beautiful extension of the home style-and what better examples than those from the Arts & Crafts era. Though it may seem a self-evident feature of the Arts & Crafts style, bungalow bathrooms are truly artistic endeavors. They go beyond the traditional pedestal sink and claw-foot tub to some of the most beautiful tile work, woodwork, fixtures, and decorative elements available. Bungalow Bathrooms is a guide to restoring or designing a period-style bathroom for a bungalow or other early-twentieth-century house. It provides a wealth of information about flooring, cabinets, countertops, fixtures, faucets, and all the other elements that make up a bungalow bathroom, as well as advice on how to integrate modern technology while maintaining the bungalow look. Jane Powell, the author of Bungalow Kitchens, is the proprietor of House Dressing, a business dedicated to renovating and preserving old homes, particularly bungalows. She is the former president of the historic preservation organization in her hometown of Oakland, California. Linda Svendsen, a graduate of Music and Art High School and Parsons School of Design in New York, specializes in architectural interior and exterior photography. Her work has been seen most recently in Camps and Cottages, Bungalow Kitchens, Old House Journal, Old House Interiors, Victorian Decorating, and Lifestyles Magazine.

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