Tesla: A Portrait with Masks: A Novel by Vladimir Pistalo
Tesla: A Portrait with Masks: A Novel by Vladimir Pistalo PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
An electric novel of the extraordinary life of one of the twentieth century's most prodigious and colorful inventors
Nikola Tesla was a man forever misunderstood. From his boyhood in what is present-day Croatia, where his father, a Serbian Orthodox priest, dismissed his talents, to his tumultuous years in New York City, where his heated rivalry with Thomas Edison yielded triumphs and failures, Tesla was both demonized and lionized. Tesla captures the whirlwind years of the dawn of the electrical age, when his flair for showmanship kept him in the public eye. For every successful invention―the alternating current electrical system and wireless communication among them―there were hundreds of others. But what of the man behind the image? Vladimir Pistalo reveals the inner life of a man haunted by the loss of his older brother, a man who struggled with flashes of madness and brilliance whose mistrust of institutional support led him to financial ruin. Tesla: A Portrait with Masks is an impassioned account of a visionary whose influence is still felt today.
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