Friday, 30 January 2015

PDF⋙ The Time Thief (The St. Claire Legacy) (Volume 1) by Natalia Schellhaas

The Time Thief (The St. Claire Legacy) (Volume 1) by Natalia Schellhaas

The Time Thief (The St. Claire Legacy) (Volume 1)

The Time Thief (The St. Claire Legacy) (Volume 1) by Natalia Schellhaas PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

When thief Sebastian Abnett lost his fiancée Amelia St. Claire nearly two years ago, he lost control and obsessed over trying to find a way to bring her back. Sorcerers, witches, no one could help. Now, in 1878, the Consel has the audacity to summon him and request that he find the very object they accused his former fiancée and him of stealing, Arrandale’s stone, which allowed them to travel in time. He refuses because he still blames their secret society for Amelia’s death. All he wants is to bring her back, even if it means searching for the stone himself with the help of his companion Marco Watts. But then Amelia Langley, a woman identical in all aspects to his fiancée, appears in town and causes a stir. Though people continue to confuse her with someone she is positive she isn’t, Amelia cannot deny the strange fragmented memory-like visions she keeps having about a life she does not remember. All she wants to do is return home to 2012 and be done with this nonsense of time travel, secret societies, lost memories and especially the man who is still in love with the woman she does not remember being. Along with Sebastian, she makes a deal with the seer Alaric to locate the stone and once she hands it over, she will be sent home and left alone, for good. But there is more to finding Arrandale’s stone than it seems, and there are people who seek it in order to control time for themselves. Can they trust anyone—let alone each other?

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