Sunday, 19 October 2014

PDF⋙ Psychology: Student Edition, Grades 5-12 by Rebecca Stark

Psychology: Student Edition, Grades 5-12 by Rebecca Stark

Psychology: Student Edition, Grades 5-12

Psychology: Student Edition, Grades 5-12 by Rebecca Stark PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

ABOUT THE SERIES: Students are presented with background information to provide a general understanding of the subjects. Mind-stimulating activities, based upon information given and outside research, encourage critical and creative thinking. These self-directed activities emphasize higher-level thinking skills and are keyed to Bloom's taxonomy. A teacher edition is available. Teacher editions save you hours of work! In addition to the material contained in the student books, they provide pre- and post-tests, quizzes, puzzles, a glossary, and helpful background information! Teacher Editions are 96 pages each. Student Editions are 64 pages each. Grades 5-12. Psychology: Several topics are discussed in this outstanding unit: hereditary and environmental factors; how people solve problems; intelligence; perception of sensations; learning processes; motivations and emotions; frustration and conflict; psychotherapies; personality; and social behavior.

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Psychology: Student Edition, Grades 5-12 by Rebecca Stark EPub

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